Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 287
The politics of independence: Police Accountability
(Univesidad del Zulia, 2014)
Colombian police under fire: Image, corruption and controls
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the extent and impact of corruption on public trust and on the stability of the Colombian police. The effectiveness of public controls, civilian oversight, and overseeing ...
Community police in Colombia: An idle process
Bogotá's community policing programme is often cited as a successful or at least illustrative example of the modernisation of police forces in Latin America. However, we lack a rigorous evaluation of its scope and outcomes. ...
Quién controla a la policía: análisis comparado de la institución neozelandesa independent police conduct authority IPCA, su regulación y potencial implementación en Chile
(Universidad de Chile, 2021)
A través de la presente investigación se realizará un análisis comparado de cómo se manejan
las quejas contra la policía en Nueva Zelanda y Chile, dando cuenta del contexto de cada
país, caracterizando sus fuerzas ...
El abuso del derecho en la normativa laboral y de seguridad social
(Universidad de Chile, 2020)
A game-theoretical approach for policing decision support
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2016)
Recently, many security-related problems have gained increasing attention from a quantitative
perspective. In this paper, we propose a game-theoretical approach to model the interaction
between police forces and delinquents ...
The Police in Rio de Janeiro during the EmpireA Polícia carioca no Império
(Editora FGV, 1998)