Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1193
Congreso de la SIEPM sobre “The Relations between Medieval and Classical European Philosophy” (Boston, 13-16 de junio, 1996)
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1996)
Contributions and limits of classical Greek philosophy to music and music education today: Music as a mimesis of objective realityContribuições e limites da filosofia clássica grega para a música e a educação musical na atualidade: A música como mimese da realidade objetiva
This article aims to identify contributions and limits of classical Greek philosophy to current thoughts on music and musical formation. Through a bibliographic study of works in the field of philosophy, musicology, and ...
Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological issues in Plato and Aristotle.
(Springer, 2018)
This book offers new insights into the workings of the human soul and the philosophical conception of the mind in Ancient Greece. It collects essays that deal with different but interconnected aspects of that unified picture ...
Filosofía Griega
Greek philosophy is a period of the philosophy history that includes the origin of western philosophy in the pre-Socratic period (VI B. C.) and the Hellenistic philosophy that would end (according to the agreeded date) in ...
Davidson and classical pragmatismDavidson and classical pragmatism
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2018)
Meaning and place of philosophical text in high school philosophy classesO sentido e o lugar do texto filosófico nas aulas de filosofia do Ensino Médio
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
The Stoic Theory of Beauty
Highlights the important contribution Stoic philosophy made to aesthetics Shows that this is a largely unexplored area of interest to scholars of both ancient philosophy and aesthetics Analyses material to show that there ...
Introduction to the methods used in classical natural law philosophyAproximaciones a los métodos de la filosofía isunaturalista clásica
(Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Derecho, 2017)
Should the Non-Classical Logician be Embarrassed?
(Blackwell Publishing, 2021-03)
Non-classical logicians do not typically reject classically valid logical principles across the board. In fact, they sometimes suggest that their preferred logic recovers classical reasoning in most circumstances. This ...
Socrates, Aristotle, and the Stoics on the apparent and real good
The aim of this essay is to sketch an account of how the distinction “apparent-real good” is meant to be understood in a line of thought that begins with Socrates, is critically developed by Aristotle—in his criticism of ...