Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 88
Narrowband feedback for narrowband control of resonant and non-resonant vibration
This paper presents a simple feedback methodology that uses second order filters to control narrowband resonant and non-resonant vibration of a structural system. In particular, a single degree-of-freedom system is studied ...
An Efficient Method for Narrowband FIR Filter Desing
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
An Efficient Method for Narrowband FIR Filter Design
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 2 No. 2 y No. 3, 1998-12-15)
Abstract. A new efficient method for implementing narrowband FlR
jilters is presented. The method is based on an lnterpolated
jilter (lFlR) structure and a cascade of comb and integrator
(ClC) structures. The novelty ...
A Narrow-Band Tracking Filter
(NASA, 1964-01-17)
The characteristics of a servo phase-lock tracking filter is described herein. The filter tracks a 100 cps carrier with a bandwidth of either 0.3 cps or 0.03 cps. The advantages of this type filter and its use is also discussed.
A DAC reconstruction filter for narrowband long distance Communications
(IEEE, 2014)
There are applications that require long-range, low data rate and low power consumption communications that could be implemented with wireless sensor networks equipped with multiple antennas. We are implementing a transceiver ...
Thermal response of a packaged narrowband optical filter based on biconically tapered depressed-cladding fibre
The thermal response of packaged biconic taper filter with a free spectral range of 1.7 nm is investigated over a temperature range of 0–70°C. The filter length dependence with temperature is estimated from the spectral ...
Coaxial narrowband filters using a versatile suspended resonator
(Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2011)
Design for the First Narrowband Filter for the Dark Energy Camera: Optimizing the LAGER Survey for z ∼ 7 Galaxies
We present the design for the first narrowband filter, NB964, for the Dark Energy Camera (DECam), which is operated on the 4-m Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The NB964 filter profile is ...