Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Metal enrichment of the intracluster medium: a three-dimensional picture of chemical and dynamical properties
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2006-06)
We develop a model for the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM) that combines a cosmological non-radiative hydrodynamical N-body/SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamic) simulation of a cluster of galaxies, and a ...
Gestão de imagens em movimento de matérias jornalísticas em banco de dados na TV Digital
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-02-24)
Due to the intense information flow, together with the techonological trends of control, storage and distribution, information management is considered as a key factor enabling dynamism and skills to manage and direct this ...
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la distribución y comercialización de cerámica nacional orientada a la industria de la construcción en el cantón Naranjito provincia del Guayas
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2015)
This Project has been developed in order to apply the knowledge acquired by attending Comercial Engineering Career at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. By developing a “Feasibility study for the creation of a company ...
Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa distribuidora y comercializadora de productos y servicios “Claro”, en el cantón Colta parroquia Cajabamba año 2016
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2017-06-14)
“Feasibility project for the creation of a distribution and marketing company products and services “clear”, in Colta canton, Cajabamba parish. 2016 year” tries to determine whether or not the execution of the same is ...
Estratégias ideológicas no discurso eleitoral para o governo do estado de Pernambuco: um olhar da ACD
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-08-28)
This research is a qualitative, analytical and documentary study in the light of Critical Discourse
Analysis (CDA). Investigates the discursive strategies present in the campaign to dispute the power to the State Government ...
Oink oink : comprensiones históricas y culturales de la imagen cinematográfica y televisiva del cerdo.
(Universidad Pedagógica NacionalLicenciatura en Artes VisualesFacultad de Bellas Artes, 2022)
Este estudio plantea comprensiones sobre las maneras en que se construyen las imágenes cinematográficas y televisivas del cerdo a la vez que problematiza el involucramiento inadvertido de este animal en diversas prácticas ...
Gestão de imagens em movimento de matérias jornalísticas em banco de dados na TV Digital
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015)