Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa distribuidora y comercializadora de productos y servicios “Claro”, en el cantón Colta parroquia Cajabamba año 2016
2017-06-14Registro en:
Orozco Ausay, Ángel Mauricio. (2017). Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa distribuidora y comercializadora de productos y servicios “Claro”, en el cantón Colta parroquia Cajabamba año 2016. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Orozco Ausay, Ángel Mauricio
“Feasibility project for the creation of a distribution and marketing company products and services “clear”, in Colta canton, Cajabamba parish. 2016 year” tries to determine whether or not the execution of the same is feasible; This is a project aimed at covering the unsatisfied demand of the canton, in developing the market study the result of the surveys applied, as well as the field research determined that the existence of very little supply of products and services limits the inhabitants to find varieties of such products forcing them to move to other nearby cantons to make their respective purchases; The feasibility study identifies the risks involved in setting up a new business, which provides a clear picture. Taking into account the data obtained from the financial study that helps to decide the best possible way to invest. A Net Present Value (NPV) of $ 13.443,64 was obtained, which reflects that the project is feasible and an Internal Rate of Return. (TIR) of 20, 04% indicating that the project is profitable and able to generate profit. The research paper recommends its execution since it will help the economic dynamism of the area and will reduce the existing levels of unsatisfied demand.