Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Metal mesh resonant filters or terahertz frequencies
(Optical Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 2008)
Single and double-bed stacked wire mesh cartridges for the catalytic treatment of diesel exhausts
(Elsevier, 2019-10)
Stacked stainless steel wire mesh monoliths were developed as supports for Pt/Co,Ce catalysts for diesel exhausttreatment. After the calcination of the metal structures at 900 °C, a Co,Ce layer was deposited over the meshes ...
Novel Magnetic Filters with Laccase-based nanoparticles for improving Congo Red decolorization in Bioreactors
(Universidad de los AndesMaestría en Ingeniería Electrónica y de ComputadoresFacultad de IngenieríaDepartamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, 2021-12-16)
In this work, the design, manufacture and testing of five different magnetic biofilters based on magnetite, laccase magnetite and laccase magnetite with additional stuff is explored to increase the enzyme-based decolorization ...
Membranes based on polyacrylamide coatings on metallic meshes prepared by a two-steps redox polymerization. Performance for oil-water separation and biofouling effects
(Elsevier Science, 2020-04)
Superhydrophilic oil-water separation membranes were prepared based on chemical (non-photoinduced) polymerization of acrylamide on metal meshes. Membranes were characterized by surface morphological analysis (SEM and AFM), ...
Desarrollo de monolitos catalíticos de mallas metálicas apiladas para la eliminación de contaminantes provenientes de motores diésel
Los motores diésel son cuestionados debido a los contaminantes que emiten, los cuales tienen un efecto adverso en la salud y el medioambiente. Estos gases de escape están compuestos por material particulado y compuestos ...
Remoción de metales pesados por separación magnética de alto gradiente
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-02-07)
This research work has carried out an analysis, selection and purification of the scientific literature related to this subject, in order to carry out a systematic and chronological study of the state of the art of high ...
Perda de carga em tubulação de polietileno e avaliação da suscetibilidade ao entupimento de microaspersor operando com água residuária de suinoculturaHead loss in polyethylene tubes and evaluation of susceptibility to clogging up of a microsprinkler distributing wastewater from swine
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2017)
Metacomunidade de anuros dos campos sulinos, Brasil: uma abordagem em macroescala sobre padrões neutros e de nicho
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilBioquímicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade AnimalCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2015-02-27)
The metacommunity theory was proposed as a theoretical tool which helps to distinguish the processes involved in the generation and maintenance of patterns in distribution, richness, abundance and species composition along ...