Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 502
Maximal ideals and representations of twisted forms of algebras
(Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2013-07)
Abstract Given a central simple algebra g g and a Galois extension of base rings S ∕ R S∕R, we show that the maximal ideals of twisted S ∕ R S∕R-forms of the algebra of currents g ( R ) g(R) are in natural bijection with ...
On the Maximal Operator Ideal Associated with a Tensor Norm Defined by Interpolation Spaces
The classical approach to studying operator ideals using tensor norms mainly focuses on those tensor norms and operator ideals defined by means of `p spaces. In a previous paper, an interpolation space, defined via the ...
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Departamento de Matemáticas, 2006)
Uma Introdução aos Ideais Primos e Maximais
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNLicenciatura em MatemáticaDepartamento de Ciências Exatas e Aplicadas, 2022-07-26)
The present work has as target audience all students who have experience in number theory. Some concepts of commutative algebra will be presented in relation to number theory, more precisely, we will study prime ideals and ...
On operator ideals defined by a reflexive Orlicz sequence space
(Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad Catolica del Norte, 2006-01-01)
Classical theory of tensornorms and operator ideals studies mainly those defined by means of sequence spaces lp. Considering Orlicz sequence spaces as natural generalization of lp spaces, in a previous paper [12] an Orlicz ...
Construction of nested real ideal lattices for interference channel coding
In this work we develop a new algebraic methodology which quantizes real-valued channels in order to realize interference alignment (IA) onto a real ideal lattice. Also we make use of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) ...
Some adjunctions associated with extensions and restrictions of ideals in the context of commutative rings
(Boletín de Matemáticas, 2013)
Given a commutative ring R and S one of its ideals, the function I -- and gt; (I : S) that transforms ideals of R into ideals of R, is right adjoint of the function I -- and gt; IS. We define the S−maximal ideals of R as ...
Extending polynomials in maximal and minimal ideals
(Kyoto Univeristy, 2010-03)
Given a homogeneous polynomial on a Banach space E belonging to some maximal or minimal polynomial ideal, we consider its iterated extension to an ultrapower of E and prove that this extension remains in the ideal and has ...
An upper bound for the distance to finitely generated ideals in Douglas algebras
(Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mathematics, 2001-12)
Let f be a function in the Douglas algebra A and let I be a finitely generated ideal in A. We give an estimate for the distance from f to I that allows us to generalize a result obtained by Bourgain for H∞ to arbitrary ...