Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 61536
Market research and marketing for business decision makingLa investigación de mercado y el marketing para la toma de decisiones empresariales
(Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, 2020)
Métricas de marketing digital e sua aplicação na gestão das ações de marketing de uma indústria de calçados
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Gestão FinanceiraUTFPR, 2017-12-08)
¿Cuáles son las variables clave en la adopción del marketing de relaciones? Una investigación en el contexto colombianoWhat are the Key Variables in the Adoption of Relationship Marketing? A Research in the Colombian ContextQuais são as variáveis chave na adoção do marketing de relações? Uma pesquisa no contexto colombiano
(Universidad del Rosario, 2015)
The purpose of this research is to discover the key variables in the application of relationship marketing in Colombian companies. A comparative instrument is applied to companies belonging to different industries and of ...
Os erros mais comuns cometidos pelos Consultores de Imagem na hora de aplicar um plano de Marketing no negócio
(Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación. Universidad de Palermo, 2020)
Proyecto de investigación de mercados Perú-Ecuador para la exportación de servicios audiovisuales
Market research is the cornerstone of any investigation because of international market knowledge determines the success or failure of different internationally traded, so the companies seeking internationalization of their ...
Tendencias y perspectivas del marketing en las pymesMarketing trends and perspectives in SMEsTendências e perspectivas de marketing nas PMEs
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2022)
Marketing plan
A Marketing Plan, always results of great help to the marketing directors, they are hired as an instrument of strategic analysis within a company; and to achieve this, different points are required to focus the performance ...