Now showing items 1-10 of 1519
Application-specific processor for piecewise linear functions computation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011-05)
This paper presents an application specific processor architecture for the calculation of simplicial piecewise linear functions of up to six dimensions with 24-bit wide input words. The architecture, in particular registers ...
Tsallis' quantum q-fields
(IOP Publishing, 2018-05)
We generalize several well known quantum equations to a Tsallis' q-scenario, and provide a quantum version of some classical fields associated with them in the recent literature. We refer to the q-Schródinger, q-Klein-Gordon, ...
A Dead Time Compensator Based on Linear Algebra (DTCLA)
(Elsevier, 2017-07)
This paper proposes a dead time compensator based on a combination of the linear algebra control methodology (proposed by Scaglia, 2009) and an internal model structure (Smith predictor), to solve elevated dead time system ...
From the hypergeometric differential equation to a non-linear Schrödinger one
(Elsevier Science, 2015-10)
We show that the q-exponential function is a hypergeometric function. Accordingly, it obeys the hypergeometric differential equation. We demonstrate that this differential equation can be transformed into a non-linear ...
Two linearities for quantum computing in the lambda calculus
(Elsevier, 2019-12)
We propose a way to unify two approaches of non-cloning in quantum lambda-calculi: logical and algebraic linearities. The first approach is to forbid duplicating variables, while the second is to consider all lambda-terms ...
Integrated circuit implementation of multi-dimensional piecewise-linear functions
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2010-12)
In this paper we present an integrated circuit implementing piecewise-linear (PWL) functions with three inputs, where each input can be either analog or digital. The PWL function to be implemented can be chosen by properly ...
Non-linear Functional Brain Co-activations in Short-Term Memory Distortion Tasks
(Frontiers Media, 2021-12)
Recent works shed light on the neural correlates of true and false recognition and the influence of time of day on cognitive performance. The current study aimed to investigate the modulation of the false memory formation ...
A Linear Approximation Model for a Non-Linear Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Learning Effect
(Balikesir University, 2021)
Learning effects have been considered in operations management problems since the early twentieth century [1]. The learning effect has a direct influence on production scheduling problems, since it modifies the use of ...
(Departamento de Matemática Aplicada. Facultad de Matemática y Computación. Universidad de La Habana, 2023)
Use of piecewise linear models for optimal control of nonlinear systems
(Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, 2009-12)
The optimal feedback control of nonlinear process is attacked in this paper. The solution of this problem is numerically computed using a Continuous Piecewise Linear (CPWL) approximation of the Ordinary Differential Equations ...