Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 135
Development of a Line-Follower Robot for Robotic Competition Purposes
(Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering, 2019)
Robot móvil de destreza para laberinto y seguidor de línea utilizando inteligencia artificial
Robotics has been very well received in recent times, which allowed many students from schools to higher education to form robotics clubs and competitions to test their different prototypes, however, the cost of developing ...
Dise?o e implementaci?n de un robot seguidor de l?nea de competencia para la categor?a velocista.
(Universidad de Ibagu?Facultad de Ingenier?a, 2019)
Desarrollo de un robot móvil autónomo, para el transporte y reparto de paquetería liviana en Laar Courier.
With a large incursion of robotics in the area of distribution to speed up the time of distribution and transport of packages that leads to economic wear and tear, the text presented here focused on the design and ...
Implementación de un algoritmo de control para un robot Line Follower usando red neuronal
The present technical degree project, "Implementation of a control algorithm for a Line Follower robot using Neural Network", due to a pandemic, was carried out from home for students of higher cycles, especially in the ...
Proposal Of A Low Cost High Performance Educational Mobile Robot: An Rpi And Arduino Approach
(Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, 2018)
Proposal Of A Low Cost High Performance Educational Mobile Robot: An Rpi And Arduino Approach
(Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, 2018)
Design of an optimal control for an autonomous mobile robotDesign of an optimal control for an autonomous mobile robot
(Revista Mexicana de Física, 2011)
Nonholonomic path planning among obstacles subject to curvature restrictions
This paper addresses the problem of finding a non-holonomic path subject to a curvature restriction, to be tracked by a wheeled autonomous navigation vehicle. This robot is able to navigate in a structured environment, ...