Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 94
The jesuits and music in german catholic territories (1648-1705)Os jesuítas e a música nos territórios germânicos católicos (1648-1705)
This article shows the fundamental role of the Society of Jesus in the development of the music in German Catholic territories during the period between the end of the Thirty Years' War (1648) and the death of Emperor ...
Jesuits and franciscans in the southern border of the Spanish empire. The economic management of the college of natural in Chillan [Jesuitas y franciscanos en la frontera sur del imperio Español. La administración económica del colegio de naturales en Chillán].
The article analyzes the economic management of the College of Natural from Chillán by the Jesuits and Franciscans towards the end of the colony. First it presents the valuation that historiography has made of this school. ...
La heterotopía extraordinaria y la historia de la gubernamentalidadThe Extraordinary Heterotopy and the History of Governmentality
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2017)
En este artículo se pretende realizar una nueva interpretación del carácter de heterotopía extraordinaria que Michel Foucault otorgara a las misiones jesuíticas del Paraguay en su obra temprana, a partir de su encuadramiento ...
Educação jesuítica; século XVII: Alexandre de Gusmão e o Seminário de Belém da Cachoeira
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE, 2014-12-16)
The present PHD thesis is intended to understand the formal aspects of colonial society. In this sense, Alexandre of Gusmão appears in this survey as a man whose ability to pedagogical application manifested in the founding ...