Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15
EEG photic driving: right-hemisphere reactivity deficit in childhood autism. A pilot study
(Elsevier, 2009)
In 14 autistic boys, aged 6 14 years, free of drug treatment, with relatively intact verbal functions andwithout severe or moderate mental retardation (I.Q. 91.4±22.8), intermittent photic stimulation at 11 fixed frequencies ...
Estimulação fótica: padronização do método de acordo com o consenso europeu
(Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia (LBE), 2008-06-01)
INTRODUCTION: Although intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) is a widespread and routinely used procedure in EEG laboratories, only relatively recently has a standardization of the IPS method been proposed. IPS is an ...
O EEG na insuficiencia renal cronica. I. Atividade de fundo em repouso e durante ativacao
We examined the EEG of 88 patients with chronic renal failure (80 adults and 8 children) submitted to different types of treatment such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialisys, renal transplantation, and ambulatory follow-up. ...