Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the tangent bundle of a Riemannian surface
Given an oriented Riemannian surface (Sigma, g), its tangent bundle T Sigma enjoys a natural pseudo-Kahler structure, that is the combination of a complex structure 2, a pseudo-metric G with neutral signature and a symplectic ...
Stationary and dynamical descriptions of strong correlated systems
(American Physical Society, 2005-01)
This work is mainly devoted to the description of processes that involve the interaction between an atom and a surface, in which a strong Coulomb repulsion on the atomic site sUd limits the charge exchange to one electron ...
Hydroelastic stationary problem on tsunami waves generation
For a relativistic particle under a constant force and a linear velocity dissipation force, a constant of motion is found. Problems are shown for getting the Hamiltonian of this system. Thus, the quantization of this system ...
Intercambio de carga entre nanoestructuras (átomos, moléculas, puntos cuánticos) y superficies sólidas, en situaciones en y fuera del equilibrio
En este trabajo presentamos una descripción del sistema compuesto por átomos interactuando con superficies, basada en el modelo de Anderson conjuntamente con el uso de operadores de proyección. El uso de estos operadores ...
Scars of the Wigner function
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2001)
Sobre una conjetura de de Giorgi y algunas variantes
(Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ciencias BásicasPereiraMaestría en Matemática, 2022)
Symbiosis between quantum physics and machine learning: Applications in data science, many-body physics and quantum computation
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaFacultad de CienciasBogotá, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2022-12-01)
This thesis explores the intersections between quantum computing, quantum physics and machine learning. In the three fields, estimating probability distributions plays a central role. In the case of quantum computing and ...