Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2052
Algebraic Bol loops
In this paper, we study the category of algebraic Bol loops over an algebraically closed field of definition. On the one hand, we apply techniques from the theory of algebraic groups in order to prove structural theorems ...
On the multi-Koszul property for connected algebras
(Univ Bielefeld, 2013-12)
In this article we introduce the notion of multi-Koszul algebra for the case of a locally finite dimensional nonnegatively graded connected algebra, as a generalization of the notion of (generalized) Koszul algebras defined ...
Representações dos grupos simétrico e alternante e aplicações às identidades polinomiais
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGM, 2014-11-28)
In this dissertation we ll present a discussion about the Representations of the Symmetric Group Sn and Alternating Group An. We ll study basics results of the Young s Theory about the representations of the Symmetric Group ...
The Lie algebra of derivations of a current Lie algebra
(Taylor & Francis, 2019-09)
Let K be a field of characteristic zero, g be a finite dimensional K-Lie algebra and let A be a finite dimensional associative and commutative K-algebra with unit. We describe the structure of the Lie algebra of derivations ...
De-Equivariantization of Hopf Algebras
(Springer, 2014-02)
We study the de-equivariantization of a Hopf algebra by an affine group scheme and we apply Tannakian techniques in order to realize it as the tensor category of comodules over a coquasi-bialgebra. As an application we ...