Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 51
Identities and isomorphisms of graded simple algebras
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2010)
PI-equivalência em álgebras graduadas simples
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGMCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-02-29)
This work aims to give a description, under certain hypothesis, of the graded simple algebras and prove that they are determined by their graded identities. For this, we study the papers [3] and [19]. More precisely we ...
On the factorability of T2-ideals of minimal supervarieties and a special class of minimal superalgebras
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-08-22)
Let F be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In this thesis, we describe necessary and suficient conditions for the factorability of T2-ideals of minimal supervarieties of a fixed superexponent. In light ...
On universal gradings, versal gradings and Schurian generated categories
(European Mathematical Society, 2014-11)
Categories over a field k can be graded by di erent groups in a connected way; we consider morphisms between these gradings in order to define the fundamental grading group. We prove that this group is isomorphic to the ...
Group Gradings On The Lie Algebra Of Upper Triangular Matrices
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan Diego, 2017)
Crossed products by twisted partial actions and graded algebras
For a twisted partial action e of a group G on an (associative non-necessarily unital) algebra A over a commutative unital ring k, the crossed product A x(Theta) G is proved to be associative. Given a G-graded k-algebra B ...
Instrumentos financeiros: nível de aderência curricular dos cursos de graduação em Ciências ContábeisFinancial instruments: level of curricular adherence of undergraduate courses in accounting sciences
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2018)
Graded polynomial identities and Specht property of the Lie algebra sl(2)
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2013)
A basis for the graded identities of the matrix algebra of order two over a finite field of characteristic p not equal 2
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2002)
(Taylor & Francis IncPhiladelphiaEUA, 2014)