Now showing items 1-10 of 2546
Nutritional quality of food and beverages offered in supermarkets of Lima according to the peruvian law of healthy eating
(MDPI, 2020)
The purpose of this paper was to determine the foods and beverages offered in the city of Lima, Peru, that would be subject to front-of-package warning labels (octagons) according to the thresholds for the two phases (6 ...
Sugar in ultraprocessed foods in Latin American capitals: From dentistry perspective
(Elsevier, 2023)
Introduction High sugar consumption is associated with dental caries. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of sugar and other nutrients in sweetened, ultraprocessed foods from Bogotá, Lima, and ...
Expression of conditioned preference for low-quality food in sheep is modulated by foraging cost
(Cambridge University Press, 2015-06)
Past positive experiences can increase herbivores’ motivation to eat low-quality foods. However, this is not always translated into a higher preference for low-quality foods in choice tests among foods of higher nutritional ...
The effect of quality of food source on Macadamua nut damage by Gymnandrosoma aurantianum (Lepidoptera: tortricidae)
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrónomos. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, 2013)
Specialization in food production affects global food security and food systems sustainability
(Elsevier, 2021-05)
Understanding specialization patterns of countries in food production can provide relevant insights for the evaluation and design of policies seeking to achieve food security and sustainability, which are key to reach ...
Devaluation of low-quality food during early experience by sheep
(Cambridge University Press, 2011-06)
A ruminant's early experience with low-quality food (LQF) is expected to increase its acceptance and preference in adulthood. Contrarily, we found that experienced sheep (ES) exposed to mature oat hay early in life ate ...
Characterisation of liquid food colour from digital images
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-12)
The characteristic colour of translucent liquid foods is defined as the colour values at infinite depth, where the liquid depth and the background effects are surpassed. A measurement cell with variable depth was built, ...
Developing an online food composition database for an Indigenous population in south-western Uganda
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
OBJECTIVE: To develop an online food composition database of locally consumed foods among an Indigenous population in south-western Uganda. DESIGN: Using a community-based approach and collaboration with local nutritionists, ...
Food loss and waste in food services from educational institutions in Costa Rica
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2021)
International food security regulation
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)