Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 551
XP-CMM : uma guia para utilização de Extreme Programming em um ambiente nível do CMM
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014)
Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming
This volume contains the research papers of the 21st International Conference on Agile
Software Development (XP 2020), planned to be held June 8–12 at the IT University of
Copenhagen, Denmark. However, due to the COVID-19 ...
O impacto do uso das metodologias ágeis Scrum e XP na satisfação dos stakeholders
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015)
Aplicación de la metodología de desarrollo de ingeniería de Software Extreme Programming (XP) para un sistema de gestión de prácticas pre-profesionales para los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
(PUCE, 2016)
El sistema de Prácticas Pre-profesionales fue desarrollada con la metodología de desarrollo de Ingeniería de Software eXtreme Programming (XP) como se indica en el título de la presente tesis. Todas las buenas prácticas ...
Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming : 20th International Conference, XP 2019 Montréal, QC, Canada, may 21–25, 2019 proceedings
This volume contains the research papers presented at XP 2019, the 20th International
Conference on Agile Software Development, held during May 21–25, 2019, at the
École de technologie supérieure in Montréal, Québec, ...
Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming : 19th International Conference, XP 2018 Porto, Portugal, May 21–25, 2018 proceedings
This volume contains the papers presented at XP 2018, the 19th International Conference on Agile Software Development, held during May 21–25, 2018, in Porto,
XP is the premier agile software development conference ...
Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming – workshops : XP 2019 workshops Montréal, QC, Canada, may 21–25, 2019 proceedings
This volume contains the research workshops and doctoral symposium, as well as panel
summaries presented at XP 2019, the 20th International Conference on Agile Software
Development, held during May 21–25, 2019, at the ...
Estudo comparativo entre a modelagem Extreme Programming e Rational Unified Process
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaCentro de Tecnologia, 2007-01-31)
The Information Systems play a fundamental role among today’s organization.
Due to this fact the demand increased to help the administration task and the
operation of the enterprises. Therefore, challenges come up, in ...