Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
Estudio de las relaciones colaborativas presentes en una cadena de suministros orientadas por proyecto: Caso proyecto Brasil
(Universidad de Ibagu?Facultad de Ingenier?a, 2019)
Solução analítica do modelo 2-estrelas com graus correlacionados
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFísicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FísicaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2021-10-27)
In this work, we study an important tool to model complex networks built from empirical data,
wich are exponential random graphs. We propose a model to generate random graphs,
whose hamiltonian enables to impose generic ...
Colombian export capabilities: building the firms-products network
In this paper, we analyse the bipartite Colombian firms-products network, throughout a
period of five years, from 2010 to 2014. Our analysis depicts a strongly modular system, with several
groups of firms specializing ...
Network analysis of collaboration in networked universities
(Kybernetes, 2021)
Network analysis of collaboration in networked universities
(Kybernetes, 2022)
Stretched-exponential behavior and random walks on diluted hypercubic lattices
(Amer Physical Soc, 2011-10-18)
Diffusion on a diluted hypercube has been proposed as a model for glassy relaxation and is an example of the more general class of stochastic processes on graphs. In this article we determine numerically through large-scale ...
Stretched-exponential behavior and random walks on diluted hypercubic lattices
(Amer Physical Soc, 2011-10-18)
Diffusion on a diluted hypercube has been proposed as a model for glassy relaxation and is an example of the more general class of stochastic processes on graphs. In this article we determine numerically through large-scale ...
Stretched-exponential behavior and random walks on diluted hypercubic lattices
Diffusion on a diluted hypercube has been proposed as a model for glassy relaxation and is an example of the more general class of stochastic processes on graphs. In this article we determine numerically through large-scale ...
Stretched-exponential behavior and random walks on diluted hypercubic lattices
(Amer Physical Soc, 2014)