Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 825
Underdevelopment : An analysis of the geographical economics regarding underdevelopment: "Formosa Case"
(Ediciones Cooperativas, 2016)
This work analyzes the important aspects in order for theArgentine province of Formosa, one of the poorest, to be able toreverse the state of underdevelopment and neglect in which it issince its foundation. On the whole, ...
Equilibrios múltiples, modelización macroeconómica y subdesarrollo / Multiple equilibrium, macroeconomic modeling and underdevelopment
In this paper we present an analysis of the concept of general equilibrium, its limitations, potential
and misinterpretations. We clarify the difference between structural equilibrium and dynamical
equilibrium, reflecting ...
La penetración de la tecnología en El Salvador a través de la educación
(Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, 2019)
Kommentar aus sozialökonomischer Sicht
(Edition Liberación, 2020)
Equilibrios múltiples, modelización macroeconómica y subdesarrollo
Se realiza un análisis del concepto de Equilibrio General, sus limitaciones, potencialidades y
malinterpretaciones. Se aclara la diferencia entre equilibrio estructural y equilibrio dinámico, reflexionando
sobre las ...
Teoría de la dialéctica del desarrollo desigual
(Universidad Católica de Chile, CEREN, 2020)
Diálogo das teses do subdesenvolvimento de Rostow, Nurkse e Myrdal com a teoria do desenvolvimento de Celso Furtado
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política - PPGPol, 2011-03-03)
The period after the end of First World War and the crisis of 1929 introduces (from the critical to the liberal economic model and the emergence of strategies planned development and alternative Keynesian of economic ...
Celso Furtado: fundação e prospectiva do desenvolvimento
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2005)