Equilibrios múltiples, modelización macroeconómica y subdesarrollo / Multiple equilibrium, macroeconomic modeling and underdevelopment
Pérez Oviedo, Wilson
In this paper we present an analysis of the concept of general equilibrium, its limitations, potential
and misinterpretations. We clarify the difference between structural equilibrium and dynamical
equilibrium, reflecting on the social and ethical connotations of these two concepts. It is argued
that the idea of multiple equilibria is very useful for modeling the macro economy of a developing
country and to reflect on the relevance and scope of the policies needed to get out of poverty
and underdevelopment traps. We analyze the criticism made to General Equilibrium Models,
classifying them into valid and invalid in order to clarify the methodological elements that can be
rescued in search of a more realistic macroeconomic modeling.