Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 210
Disjoint logics
(Nicolaus Copernicus University, 2021-03-27)
We will present all the mixed and impure disjoint three-valued logics based on the Strong Kleene schema. Some, but not all of them, are (inferentially) empty logics, while one of them is trivial. We will compare them ...
Seguir una regla : ¿Se trata siempre de un caso de conocimiento?
La discusión sobre seguir una regla plantea cuestiones centrales sobre
la naturaleza de nuestros conceptos. En el presente ensayo situamos y
discutimos una tesis del enfoque de Crispin Wright, a saber: el seguimiento
de ...
Actitudes analíticas e investigativas en el saber pensar la arquitectura
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 24 d)
A Reply to Palmira
(Logos and Episteme, 2013-09)
In “Philosophical Peer Disagreement” I argued that in order to properly account for the phenomenon of philosophical peer disagreement it is necessary to drop the ‘same evidence’ condition from the definition of epistemic ...
Epistemic Responsibility: an open gap for Classical Epistemology and Inferentialism
In broad terms, I want to argue that there are at least four conditions that must be fulfilled in order to be considered epistemically responsible for a belief: i) one should have an outright true belief, i.e., a belief ...
The use of the 'Materiality Argument' in the literature on computer simulations
Much of the current philosophical interest in computer simulations stems from their extended presence in scientific practice. This interest has centered on studies of the experimental character of computer simulations and, ...
Knowing about Genocide : Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles
This book is freely available in an open access edition thanks to TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem)—a collaboration of the Association of American Universities, the Association of University Presses, and the ...
Relativismo epistémico y circularidadEpistemic relativism and circularity
(Universidad de Caldas, 2020)
Lei Maria da Penha como virtude epistêmica
(Florianópolis, SC, 2022)