Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6698
Liberal vs Liberating Empowerment: A Latin American Feminist Perspective on Conceptualising Women's Empowerment
(IDS-Institute of Development Studies, 2008-12)
The term ‘women’s empowerment’ is viewed with
a certain amount of distrust by feminists in Latin
America. There has been some ambiguity
surrounding the term in the region and in some
cases it has been appropriated to ...
Liberal vs Liberating Empowerment: A Latin American Feminist Perspective on Conceptualising Women's Empowerment
(IDS-Institute of Development Studies, 2008-12)
In search of protective factors against burnout: the role of psychological empowerment and perceived team empowerment
(Universidad de Chile, 2015)
The central aim of our study was to broad knowledge on the variables that may help to reduce burnout. To this end, we investigated whether the association between three job demands (i.e. role conflict, emotional demands ...
Empowerment in the context of user-generated content in the travel industry: a research model proposal
When people use the Internet to obtain travel information, they do research
about the trip on the Internet, and read and generate content and reviews.
Such user-generated content (UGC) can empower the traveler by ...
The society presents asymmetries and inequities in access , control and use of resources ; broad social sectors are excluded from decision -making on control of their own lives. Empowerment is a powerful tool to improve ...
Empoderamiento pacifista para otros mundos posibles
(Universidad de Granada, 2016)
Adaptación al español de la escala de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo (CWEQ-II)
El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar al español el Cuestionario de Condiciones para la Efectividad en el Trabajo (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire –CWEQII-) desarrollado por Laschinger, Finegan, y Shamian ...
Adaptación al español de la escala de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo (CWEQ-II)
El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar al español el Cuestionario de Condiciones para la Efectividad en el Trabajo (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire –CWEQII-) desarrollado por Laschinger, Finegan, y Shamian ...
Quem dá, e torna a tirar, ao inferno vai parar: o «de-empowerment»
(Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de GestãoRevista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 2005)