Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29319
Analysis of feature selection on the performance of multimodal keystroke dynamics biometric systems
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia de Software, 2017)
Supporting the natural gas supply chain public policies through simulation methods: a dynamic performance management approach
Natural gas is considered the transitional fuel par excellence between
fossil and renewable sources, considering its low cost, greater efficiency and
lesser impact on the environment. This is the reason why its demand ...
Providing TPC-W with web user dynamic behavior
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2012)
Modelling collaborative logistics policies that impact the performance of the agricultural sector
The performance of the agricultural sector is considered a fundamental
factor for achieving sustainability of the most vulnerable population as
well to meet the world’s food needs. This is how countries like Colombia,
recognize ...
KPIs in the UK's Construction Industry: Using System Dynamics to Understand Underachievement
In 1998 Egan set overall goals for the improvement of the construction industry in the UK. The improvements proposed have not been met. It is necessary to the identify the reasons by which the construction Industry is ...
Performance implications of dynamic memory allocators on transactional memory systems
Although dynamic memory management accounts for a significant part of the execution time on many modern software systems, its impact on the performance of transactional memory systems has been mostly overlooked. In order ...
Economic performance assessment and monitoring in LP-DMC type controller applications
(Elsevier, 2017-09)
One of the main reported problems in petrochemical applications of Linear Programming-Dynamic Matrix Control (LP-DMC) type controllers is their global performance assessment. Since the stationary optimization and dynamic ...
Efeitos das capacidades dinâmicas em múltiplas dimensões de desempenho organizacional: uma abordagem longitudinal
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-03-17)
The Dynamic Capabilities perspective is an outstanding theoretical lens in the scope of strategic management, considering that its focus is on driving firms to superior performance. In this scenario of discussions, several ...
Efeitos das capacidades dinâmicas em múltiplas dimensões de desempenho organizacional: uma abordagem longitudinal
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-03-17)
The Dynamic Capabilities perspective is an outstanding theoretical lens in the scope of strategic management, considering that its focus is on driving firms to superior performance. In this scenario of discussions, several ...
Dynamic capabilities, political external relationship, educational technology capability and firm performance
(Medwell Journals, 2016)
This study brings the argument that dynamic capabilities through the influences of external political relationship is able to create educational technology capability and it results in better performance. The reconfiguration ...