Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7129
Ciencia con conciencia: apagando el piloto autom?tico y activando el piloto intencional en la cultura investigativa en Am?rica Latina
(Research strategy, culture development and Doctoral Support: Tools and Techniques for Latin American Universities, 2020)
Distinguishing characteristics of the doctorate programs in business administration in Colombia: The student perspectiveCaracterísticas distintivas de los programas de doctorado en administración de empresas en Colombia: la perspectiva del estudiante
(Management Research, 2019-07-17)
The purpose of this paper is to focus on achieving an approximation to the understanding of the situation of management doctoral programs in Colombia. Despite the need to evaluate the suitability and relevance of management ...
Distinguishing characteristics of the doctorate programs in business administration in Colombia: The student perspective
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus on achieving an approximation to the understanding of the situation of management doctoral programs in Colombia. Despite the need to evaluate the suitability and relevance of ...
The Methodological Framework in qualitative research. Experience of a doctoral thesis workEl Marco Metodológico en la investigación cualitativa. Experiencia de un trabajo de tesis doctoral
(Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Estelí. FAREM-Estelí/UNAN-Managua, 2019)
Distinguishing characteristics of the doctorate programs in business administration in Colombia The student perspectiveCaracteristicas distintivas de los programas de doctorado en administracion en colombia La vision de los estudiantes
(Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 20/08/2019)
The purpose of this paper is to focus on achieving an approximation to the understanding of the situation of management doctoral programs in Colombia. Despite the need to evaluate the suitability and relevance of ...
Subject cataloguing and indexing in university libraries: a verbal-protocol comparative study
(Univ Zaragoza, 2017-01-01)
The differences in the subject cataloguing and indexing of books and doctoral theses carried out by university librarians were analyzed. Using the qualitative data collection methodology called Individual Verbal Protocol ...
La formación doctoral en Administración en Colombia. El caso del proceso de reforma curricular del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Dirección de la Universidad del Rosario
This article is a case study concerning the reform of the Universidad del Rosario’s doctorate in Management Sciences. The methodology incorporates the understanding of the program reality, its context and its transformation. ...
Innovación educativa apoyada en las tic y producción académica doctoral en el contexto latinoamericano de los últimos cinco años
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, 2021-10)
La producción doctoral es uno de los indicadores del desarrollo académico regional. Esta debe considerar innovaciones apoyadas en las TIC para estar acorde al avance científico. El objetivo del estudio es describir la ...