journal article
Distinguishing characteristics of the doctorate programs in business administration in Colombia The student perspective
Caracteristicas distintivas de los programas de doctorado en administracion en colombia La vision de los estudiantes
20/08/2019Registro en:
Castro-Ríos, G. A., Noguera-Hidalgo, Á. L., & Gómez-Soler, S. C. (2019). Distinguishing characteristics of the doctorate programs in business administration in Colombia: The student perspective. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management.
The purpose of this paper is to focus on achieving an approximation to the understanding of the situation of management doctoral programs in Colombia. Despite the need to evaluate the suitability and relevance of management doctoral programs, at present, there are no studies that inquire about the conditions of students and graduates of doctoral programs in the management research field.
An exploratory exercise was developed, information was collected with students and graduates of various doctoral programs to initiate a contextualization and characterization in terms of doctoral training from the students’ point of view.
At the end, conclusions are presented on the status and prospects to continue with future studies that allow find the conditions of doctoral level training in the management field and the impact of the research carried out by doctoral students and graduates of these programs.
This paper will contribute to the review of the existing studies regarding doctoral education in management in Colombia, which presents principal motivations about investigation in the field of study, and as such, open the space to question about the reality of the programs in terms of those who are receiving the formation. Objetivo
El propósito de este trabajo es lograr una aproximación a la comprensión de la situación de los programas de doctorado en Administración en Colombia. Existe la necesidad de evaluar la idoneidad y relevancia de los programas doctorales en Administración, en la actualidad no existen estudios que indaguen por las condiciones de los estudiantes y graduados de los programas doctorales en el campo de la investigación en Administración.
Se desarrolló un ejercicio de tipo exploratorio, se colectó información con estudiantes y graduados de diversos programas de doctorado en Administración de cara a iniciar una contextualización y caracterización en términos de la formación doctoral desde la visión de los estudiantes.
Se presentan conclusiones sobre el estado actual y perspectivas para continuar con estudios futuros que permitan profundizar sobre las condiciones de la formación a nivel doctoral en el campo de la Administración y el impacto de las investigaciones que desarrollan los doctorandos y graduados de estos programas.
This research will contribute to the review of the existing studies regarding doctoral education in Management in Colombia, which present principal motivations about investigation in the field of study, and as such, open the space to question about the reality of the programs in terms of those who are receiving the formation.