Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 772
Delivery workers and the interplay of digital and mobility (in)justice
On-demand delivery services are experiencing a moment of expansion, which the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to foster. For cities in quarantine, these services allow the supply of food and other primary goods without moving ...
Delivery Platform Workers during covid-19 Pandemic in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina): Deepened Precarity and Workers’ Response in a Context of Epidemiological Crisis
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2021-05-11)
The Covid-19 pandemic took the world by surprise in early 2020. By March 2020 many countries had taken drastic measures to contain the virus. In Argentina, on 20 March, the government suspended most economic activities. ...
Reconocimiento de derechos laborales a los repartidores por delivery en el Perú
(Universidad Privada Antenor OrregoPE, 2022)
El presente trabajo de investigación detenta como objetivo principal determinar, si el
reconocimiento de los derechos laborales de los repartidores por delivery garantiza el
cumplimiento de la función social del derecho ...
Hunger for profit: how food delivery platforms manage couriers in China
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021)
La organización vence al algoritmo(?): plataformas de reparto y procesos de organización de los trabajadores de delivery en ArgentinaThe collective organization beats the algorithm(?): delivery platforms and the organization of delivery workers in Argentina
(Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2020-12)
Indagamos cómo la gestión algorítmica y la organización del trabajo en las plataformas crean condiciones que habilitan u obstruyen la organización colectiva de los trabajadores, y cómo estos trabajadores utilizan estas ...
Metamorphosis of Labour in Digital Societies: Platform Workers (Deliveries) and the Pandemic
(IGI Global, 2021)
In a global context of social metamorphosis, it is important to understand how and why the reconfiguration of work experiences comes about in relation to the modifications produced by the digitalisation of society. All ...
Entregadores por aplicativos: uma mochila nas costas e nenhum direito trabalhista nas mãos.
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2020)