Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Static dielectric constants of acetonitrile/water mixtures at different temperatures and debye-hückel A and a0B parameters for activity coefficients
(American Chemical Society, 2007-05)
Static dielectric constants of acetonitrile/water mixtures in the whole composition range and within the temperature range from (15 to 60) °C have been measured. The values were fitted to a unique equation as a simultaneous ...
Equilibrio de fases para sistemas etanol-agua en presencia de polialcoholes y salesPhase equilibrium for ethanol-water systems in the presence of salts and polyalcohols
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Minas, Centro de PublicacionesProcesos FisicoquÍmicos Aplicados (PFA)Medellín, Colombia, 2017)
Inter-domain interactions in charged lipid monolayers
(American Chemical Society, 2014-01)
Phase coexistence is common in model biomembranes with the presence of domains formed by lipids in a dense phase state modulating lateral diffusion of species through hydrodynamic and electrostatic interactions. In this ...