Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 37
The Intermediary Conundrum: cyber-regulators, cyber-police or both?
The design of intermediary liability regimes has crucial impact on Internet users’ capability to fully enjoy their human rights. When intermediary are held responsible for their users’ activities, the foreseeable consequence ...
Law of the land or law of the platform? Beware of the privatisation of regulation and police
This chapter argues that digital platforms are increasingly undertaking regulatory and police functions, which are traditionally considered a matter of public law. The authors emphasise that such functions have been growingly ...
New Trends in Online Crime Using Social Networking Sites and Apps against Children and Adolescents: Police-Based Longitudianl Research
The digital industry has developed substantially from the beginning of the 21st century with new tools such as social networking sites (SNSs) and Apps, providing new scenarios for criminality sometimes difficult to recognize ...
Influencia de la capacitación como estrategia para la gestión del recurso humano en policías patrulleros del área de prevención y educación ciudadana en BuenaventuraInfluence of training as a strategy for human resource management in patrol police officers in the area of prevention and citizen education in Buenaventura.
(Psicología - VirtualFacultad de Sociedad, Cultura y Creatividads, 2022)
Infiltração policial no âmbito virtual como meio de combate à violação sexual de crianças e adolescentes: uma análise à luz da Lei nº 13.441/17
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNDireitoDepartamento de Direito, 2022-01-31)
Nowadays, children and teenagers are inserting themselves in the cyber environment earlier and earlier, and their use of the internet is often unsupervised, providing sexual predators with an ideal environment for accessing ...
Estupro coletivo no Rio de Janeiro: a narrativa de um ciberacontecimento
(BrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2017-07-04)
Journalism practiced by traditional media has been suffering changes due to digital social networks. These social networks facilitate interaction between their participants and enable a new way of conversation. In addition ...
Modelo experimental de ciberseguridad y ciberdefensa para Colombia
El incremento de los ataques destructivos a las redes de comunicación configuradas como
soporte operacional de los estamentos del gobierno colombiano, reclaman la necesidad de
contar como mecanismo y estrategia contra ...
Nuevos delitos informáticos por impulso de la transformación digital por causa del Covid-19 en el Perú
(Universidad Peruana de Las AméricasPE, 2022-11-15)
El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene por finalidad realizar un estudio sobre los nuevos delitos informáticos en el actual proceso de aceleración de la transformación digital en el Perú por causa de la pandemia ...
El rol de tiktok como un medio digital de ciberactivismo anti-racial: estudio de caso George Floyd.
After the publication of a video on Facebook, which showed an African-American man being subdued by a police officer until he died, a wave of protests demanding justice began; citizens and protesting collectives appropriated ...