Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 531
Liquidity, money creation and destruction, and the returns to banking
(Blackwell Publishers, 2005-05)
We build on our earlier model of money in which bank liabilities circulate as a medium of exchange. We investigate optimal bank behavior and the resulting provision of liquidity under a range of central bank regulations. ...
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia - UFPA, 2019)
The Modern Money Theory in the Time of COVID-19
(Universidad La Salle México, Dirección de Posgrado e Investigación, 2021-05-31)
Este artículo analiza críticamente el uso de la teoría monetaria moderna como una política clave para la recuperación económica post covid-19. La evolución gradual de esta crisis de salud y sus impactos económicos presiona ...
Similar in their differences: transnational legal processes addressing money laundering in Brazil and Argentina
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-05)
The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of the transnational legal processes that Brazil and Argentina underwent to address money laundering. The article discusses the interaction between the ...
Challenging a money doctor: Raúl Prebisch vs Sir Otto Niemeyer on the creation of the Argentine Central Bank
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018-11-20)
The Central Bank of Argentina began its activities in May 1935 surrounded by controversy. The Bank was created as a result of a mission led by the expert from the Bank of England, Sir Otto Niemeyer. The foreign involvement ...
Considerations for the Design of a Central Counterparty for the Mexican Money Market
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2011-12-30)
The financial crisis has brought the problems of regulatory failure and unbridled counterparty risk to the forefront in financial discussions. In the last decade central counterparties have been created in order to face ...
Considerations for the Design of a Central Counterparty for the Mexican Money Market
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2011-12-30)
The financial crisis has brought the problems of regulatory failure and unbridled counterparty risk to the forefront in financial discussions. In the last decade central counterparties have been created in order to face ...
Macroeconomía Trabajo práctico Nº 1 .Guía de Estudio y Ejercitación
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Agrarias, 2014-09-19)
El objetivo de la Guía de Trabajos Prácticos es orientar al alumno en el estudio de la
asignatura y permitirle realizar la autoevaluación de su proceso de aprendizaje.
Asimismo, el docente podrá observar tal proceso, ...