Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9041
Incorporating Angular Ratio Images into Two-Frame Stereo Algorithms
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 16 No. 1, 2012-03-05)
Abstract. Light Transport Constancy (LTC) asserts that
the reflectance ratio obtained from two different
illumination variations remains constant for any given
view of the observed scene. LTC was proposed in [21]
as a ...
The effect of tax ratio and good government governance on economic growth
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Selection of industrial maintenance strategy: Classical AHP and fuzzy AHP applications
The selection of a maintenance strategy is a decision often made with uncertainty or subjectivity. This decision involves the prioritization of critical factors since there are several factors to be considered simultaneously. ...
Prey limitation drives variation in allometric scaling of predator-prey interactions
Ecologists have long searched for a universal size-scaling constant that governs trophic interactions. Although this is an appealing theoretical concept, predator-prey size ratios (PPSRs) vary strikingly across and within ...
Mixed Fixed-Ratio Schedules II: The Effect of a Stimulus Change on Primes in the Large RatioMixed Fixed-Ratio Schedules II: The Effect of a Stimulus Change on Primes in the Large Ratio
(Sociedad Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta / Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis, 2011)
Analysis of ratio-based responses
It is not appropriate to compare ratio-based expressions for different cultivars or treatments if a plot of the denominator versus the numerator of a ratio-based expression has a nonzero y-intercept and the values for ...
Análisis del ratio FCL/ventas como proxy de valor en las empresas del sector automotor colombiano
(Universidad EafitMaestría en Administración FinancieraEscuela de Economía y FinanzasMedellín, 2020)
This study analyzes the FCL/sales ratio as a proxy for value in companies in the automotive sector, emphasizing the analysis of value inducers. To carry out the study, we use descriptive and inferential statistics, such ...
Large-Scale Age-Dependent Skewed Sex Ratio in a Sexually Dimorphic Avian Scavenger
(Public Library of Science, 2012-09)
Age-dependent skewed sex ratios have been observed in bird populations, with adult males generally outnumbering females. This trend is mainly driven by higher female mortality, sometimes associated with anthropogenic ...
Contribuciones de Alberto Magno y Tomás de Aquino a la noción de ratio rei
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2013-06)
El presente trabajo indaga la noción de razón real (ratio rei) a partir de algunos textos de Alberto Magno y de Tomás de Aquino; o más bien, la posible proyección que de dicha noción pudiera observarse desde la obra de ...
Tracing gas accretion in the Galactic center using isotopic ratios
Aims. We study the 12C/13C isotopic ratio in the disk of the central molecular zone and in the halo to trace gas accretion toward the Galactic center region in the Milky Way. Methods. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we ...