Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15227
Plan de comunicación, estrategias hacia el fortalecimiento de la Cámara de Comercio de Pereira (II-2009 / I-2010)
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2016-08-16)
Communication is used as a medium of great importance for the functioning of the organization. Also, the business reality hasn´t been given sufficient attention and often has been understood a different concept of the ...
Concejo municipal de Santiago de Cali
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2016)
Renovando el vínculo con la comunidad educativa: La implementación del Área de Comunicaciones en la I.E.P. Santísimo Señor de Luren entre los años 2022 y 2023Renewing the link with the educational community: the implementation of the Communications Area at I.E.P. Santísimo Señor de Luren between 2022 and 2023
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2023)
Advertising from the perspective of festivals: the present and future of commercial communication in the categories of awards (2013-2014)
Since the very beginning of research on the structure of the
advertising system, advertising awards and acknowledgements
have been referred to as one of its essential elements. In the
specialised sector, a particular ...
Communication Requirements in Microgrids: A Practical Survey
(IEEE, 2020)
Progress in Microgrid (MG) research has evolved the MG concept from classical, purely MG power networks to more advanced power and communications networks. The communications infrastructure helps control and manage the ...
Communication requirements in microgrids: a practical survey
(IEEE, 2020)
Progress in Microgrid (MG) research has evolved the MG concept from classical, purely MG power networks to more advanced power and communications networks. The communications infrastructure helps control and manage the ...
O uso da internet na comunicação institucional
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2006-12-20)
The present article approaches the use of communicational strategies and their importance as well, in order to maximize interaction between the institution and its publics. The communicational processes supported by digital ...
Informe final de prácticas profesional plan de comunicación organizacional Ingenio Risaralda S.A 2009
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2016-05-20)
The interest in which focuses the present work is to give to know the plan of communications that implemented in the Ingenio Risaralda S.A For the fulfil o of the aims of the Area of Communications, that is posed from the ...
The Evolution of Communicative Intentions During Change Episodes and Throughout the Therapeutic Process
The present study examines the heterogeneity of the therapeutic process through the analysis of the conversation between therapists and clients in psychotherapy. The Communicative Intentions dimension of the Therapeutic ...