Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 145
Semiclassical coherent-states propagator
(American Physical Society, 2013-06)
In this work, we derived a semiclassical approximation for the matrix elements of a quantum propagator in coherent states (CS) basis that avoids complex trajectories; it only involves real ones. For that purpose, we used ...
Controlling phase space caustics in the semiclassical coherent state propagator
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2008)
Initial value representation for the SU(n) semiclassical propagator
(Amer Inst PhysicsMelvilleEUA, 2011)
Semiclassical Husimi functions for spin systems
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2005)
Multiconfigurational Quantum Propagation With Trajectory-guided Generalized Coherent States
(Amer Inst PhysicsMelville, 2016)
Semiclassical approximations in phase space with coherent states
(Iop Publishing LtdBristolInglaterra, 2001)
Semiclassical approximations based on complex trajectories
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2004)
Real trajectories in the semiclassical coherent state propagator
(Amer Inst PhysicsMelvilleEUA, 2005)
Semiclassical approximations to the coherent-state propagator for a particle in a box
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 1996)