Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Physics and Mathematics models in a co-disciplinary Study and Research Paths (SRPs) in the pre-service teacher education
(University of Bremen, 2019-10)
We present results of an implementation of Study and Research Path (SRP) carried out into a pre-service mathematics teacher-training course at University level. A co-disciplinary SRP from the generating question Q0: Why ...
Developing Research and Study Courses (RSC) in the pre-service teacher education
(Open Access Publishing Group, 2017-10)
In this paper, we present results of an implementation of research and study course carried out into a teacher training course in the University. The framework of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) is adopted, ...
Mathematics and Physics Study and Research Paths within two groups of pre-service teacher EducationParcours d'études et de recherche en mathématiques et en physique au sein de deux groupes de formation initiale des enseignants
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática, 2020-09)
In this paper, we present results of an inquiry based teaching implementation carried out on a teacher training course in the University. The framework of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics (ATD) is adopted, and a ...
Creating accounts of diverse developmental writing paths within a Colombian major in industrial engineering
(Writing Pedagogy, 2018)
This paper describes developmental writing paths within a Colombian major in Industrial Engineering. The accounts were created through retrospective descriptions of students' writing experiences collected by a qualitative ...
Estudio de caso de un feminicida: aproximación preliminar desde la perspectiva sistémica a partir del relato de la madre.
(Universidad Santo TomásEspecialización Psicología Jurídica y ForenseFacultad de Psicología, 2021-07-07)
Femicide as a phenomenon of study has been approached from different perspectives that to a greater or lesser extent concern the field of study of legal psychology. The present degree work consists of a proposal that seeks ...
Sistematización de la experiencia del uso de la lectura y escritura disciplinar para la consolidación del semillero de investigación SIEESSystematization of the experience of using disciplinary reading and writing to consolidate the SIEES research hotbed
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABFacultad Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y ArtesMaestría en Educación, 2020)
Recorrido de estudio e investigación en física y matemática en la escuela secundariaResearch and study paths in physics and mathematics in secondary schoolsPercurso de estudo e de pesquisa em física e matemática nas escolas secundárias
(Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, 2021-05)
En este trabajo se reportan resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo es desarrollar, analizar y evaluar recorridos de estudio y de investigación [REI] genuinamente codisciplinares en la escuela secundaria. Se presenta ...
La educación, un camino entre lo cognitivo y lo moral.Education, a path between the cognitive and the moral.
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Uso de TIC’s en el contexto de una enseñanza basada en la investigaciónUse of ICT’s in the context of inquiry based learning
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática, 2020-06)
En este trabajo se presentan resultados parciales sobre el uso de TIC’s en el contexto del inquiry based learning, tal como lo propone la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico (TAD). Específicamente nos centramos en el ...