Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Principles for modelling financial markets
The paper introduces an approach focused towards the modelling of dynamics of financial markets. It is based on the three principles of market clearing, exclusion of instantaneous arbitrage and minimization of increase of ...
Equilibria in exchange economies with financial constraints: beyond the Cass trick
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2005-08-05)
We consider an exchange economy under incomplete financiaI markets with purely financiaI securities and finitely many agents. When portfolios are not constrained, Cass [4], Duffie [7] and Florenzano-Gourdel [12] proved ...
Pricing and modeling credit derivatives
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2007-05-01)
The market involving credit derivatives has become increasingly popular and extremely liquid in the most recent years. The pricing of such instruments offers a myriad of new challenges to the research community as the ...
Financial market structures revealed by pricing rules: Efficient complete markets are prevalent
(Academic Press Inc., 2018)
It is well known that when an arbitrage-free financial market is incomplete or has tradable financial assets with frictions there must be multiple risk-neutral probability measures. The main motivation for the present study ...
Pricing and Modeling Credit DerivativesPricing and Modeling Credit Derivatives
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2007)
Pricing rules and Arrow-Debreu ambiguous valuation
This paper considers pricing rules of single-period securities markets with finitely many states. Our main result characterizes those pricing rules C that are super-replication prices of a frictionless and arbitrage-free ...
Una nota sobre valoración de opciones financieras y ecuaciones diferenciales parciales no lineales (I)
(Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, 2019-05-13)
Se presentan los fundamentos del problema de la valoración de opciones en contextos menos restrictivos que el propuesto por Black-Scholes, utilizando ecuaciones diferenciales parciales no lineales.
Quantitative Risk Management under the Interplay of Insurance and Financial Risks
(Departamento de MatemáticasUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2020-02)
En esta tesis, abordamos algunos problemas relacionados con la interacción de los riesgos de seguros y financieros.
Primero, consideramos una compañía de seguros o financiera con la intención de asignar el capital de ...
Aplicación y arbitrabilidad del crowdfunding inmobiliario en Colombia
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado DerechoFacultad de Derecho, 2019-05-27)
The dynamic relationship of the financial services from the digital transformation lead to the successful leading role fintech and the segments of its disruptive umbrella effect are separated.
Thus, the statuto quo ...
El lenguaje del riesgo operativo aplicado a entidades bancarias y cooperativas financieras en Colombia, tomado del libro “Operational risk toward basel III: Best prácticas and issues in modeling, managment and regulation” del autor Greg N. Gregoriou
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABFacultad Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y ContablesPregrado Ingeniería Financiera, 2014)
Mientras que el acuerdo de Basilea II ha sido aplicado en la mayor parte del mundo, siguen existiendo muchas discrepancias aun en las técnicas avanzadas de modelos de riesgos operacionales que se usan en grandes bancos ...