Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 93
Homotopy classification of Leavitt path algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2020-03)
In this paper we address the classification problem for purely infinite simple Leavitt path algebras of finite graphs over a field ℓ. Each graph E has associated a Leavitt path ℓ-algebra L(E). There is an open question ...
Distinguishing links up to link-homotopy by algebraic methods
In this paper we provide a complete algebraic invariant of link-homotopy, that is, an algebraic invariant that distinguishes two links if and only if they are link-homotopic. The paper establishes a connection between the ...
Some equivalences between homotopy and derived categories
(Universidad de AllahabadÁlgebra Teoría de Números y Aplicaciones: ERMÁlgebra U de AAllahabad, India, 2022)
From model to quasi-categories
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMÁTICAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaUFMG, 2022-02-22)
Esta dissertação é uma humilde introdução a grandes ferramentas da teoria da homotopia abstrata: categorias modelo e ∞-categorias (através de quasicategorias). A primeira parte do texto apresenta estas estruturas, conectando ...
Una estructura de álgebra asociativa a menos de homotopía en el operad de cactusAn up-to-homotopy associative algebra structure in the cactus operad
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2014)
Homotopy invariance through small stabilizations
(Springer, 2013-12)
We associate an algebra Γ∞(A) to each bornological algebra A . Each symmetric ideal SS of the algebra ℓ∞ of complex bounded sequences gives rise to an ideal IS(A) of Γ∞(A) . We show that all ideals arise in this ...
O grupo fundamental da circunferência S1
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCornelio ProcopioBrasilLicenciatura em MatemáticaUTFPR, 2017)
The aim of this work is to investigate the fundamental group of the circleS1. For that, a brief study will be done on homotopy theory, branch of the algebraic topology, area of mathematics which is intended to solve problems ...
Algebraic kk-theory and the KH-isomorphism conjecture
(arXiv, 2022)
We relate the Davis-Lück homology with coefficients in Weibel's homotopy K-theory to the equivariant algebraic kk-theory using homotopy theory and adjointness theorems. We express the left hand side of the assembly map for ...
Homotopies for the generalized bar complex associated to certain 3-rowed Weyl modules
(Taylor & Francis IncPhiladelphiaEUA, 2006)
Sobre aplicações cíclicas, H-espaços e grupos de Gottlieb
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-02-26)
O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar aplicações cíclicas, tomando o artigo On cyclic maps de K. L. Lim como base. Estudamos também H-espaços e grupos de Gottlieb, que surgem naturalmente como temas centrais a partir da forte ...