Now showing items 1-10 of 85
Exercise training attenuates chemoreflex-mediated reductions of renal blood flow in heart failure
(American Physiological Society, 2015)
Lifetime predictors of stroke in subjects without a diagnosis of hypertension: The aerobics center longitudinal study
(Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2019)
Modeling low pressure baroreceptors and their contribution to blood pressure control [Modelado dos barorreceptores de baixa pressão e sua contribuição ao controle da pressão arterial] [Modelado de los barorreceptores de baja presión y su contribución al control de la presión arterial]
The main mechanism for blood pressure (BP) control is coordinated by the central nervous system through the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. In order to simulate this mechanism, different mathematical models are ...
Efectos de la aspirina en fetos de rata con reducción de la presión de la perfusión uterina
(Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia, 2019)
Preeclampsia (PE) is a hypertensive disorder induced by pregnancy where there is a reduction in the uterine perfusion pressure. Research supports the use of low dose aspirin (LDAAS) and its usefulness in the prevention of ...
Age-dependent increase in blood pressure in two different native American communities in Brazil
(Rapid Science Publishers, 2015)
Does the level of effort during resistance training influence arterial stiffness and blood pressure in young healthy adults?
(Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 2021)