Now showing items 1-10 of 58
Dimensionality reduction for the algorithm recommendation problem
Given the increase in data generation, as many algorithms have become available in recent years, the algorithm recommendation problem has attracted increasing attention in Machine Learning. This problem has been addressed ...
A restricted boltzmann machine-based approach for robust dimensionality reduction
Data dimensionality is an important issue to be adressed by pattern recognition systems. Despite of storage and processing, working with high-dimensional feature vectors also requires complex optimization methods. A proper ...
On the effectiveness of user manipulation in multidimensional projections
(Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBCUniversidade Federal da Bahia - UFBASalvador, 2015-08)
With the advent of interactive techniques for multidimensional data visualization using dimensionality reduction, new possibilities of dealing with data complexity were introduced. The idea behind those methods is to allow ...
Data classification: Dimensionality reduction using combined and non-combined multidimensional projection techniques
Dimensionality Reduction is a commonly used method to reduce the number of dimensions of data. In this work, we verified its influence in classification process using combinations of projection techniques as dimensionality ...
Dimensional reduction and localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasi-1D bichromatic optical lattice
We analyze the localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional bichromatic quasi-periodic optical-lattice potential by numerically solving the 1D Gross-Pitaevskii equation (1D GPE). We first derive the 1D ...
Visualizing The Hidden Activity Of Artificial Neural Networks
(IEEE Computer SocLos Alamitos, 2017)
Multidimensional projection with radial basis function and control points selection
(Keio Universiy, Faculty of Science and TechnologyACM SIGGRAPHEurographicsYokohama, 2014-03)
Multidimensional projection techniques provide an appealing approach
for multivariate data analysis, for their ability to translate
high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional representation that
preserves neighborhood ...
Three-Dimensional Flow Stability Analysis Based on the Matrix-Forming Approach Made Affordable
Theoretical developments for hydrodynamic instability analysis are often based on eigenvalue problems, the size of which depends on the dimensionality of the reference state (or base flow) and the number of coupled equations ...
Side-lobe level reduction in two-dimensional optical phased array antennas
We experimentally demonstrate that by arranging the array elements according to Fermat's spiral, the side lobe level of an 8-element SOI-array is reduced by 0:9 dB. Additional experiments show a 6:9 dB reduction for 64-elements.
Side-lobe Level Reduction in Two-dimensional Optical Phased Array Antennas
(Ieee, 2018-01-01)
We experimentally demonstrate that by arranging the array elements according to Fermat's spiral, the side lobe level of an 8-element SOI-array is reduced by 0.9 dB. Additional experiments show a 6.9 dB reduction for 64-elements.