El sentido del trabajo que otorgan los jóvenes estudiantes - trabajadores a través de las variables sociodemográficas - organizacionales
Viúdez Pérez, Camino
The objective of this research is to describe the meaning that young students - workers give to work through sociodemographic - organizational variables. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was adopted, using semi-structured interviews to respond to the different categories of analysis, namely, type of contract, type of work, working hours and representation of women and men in the work context within the denomination student -worker. The findings indicate that the indefinite contract prevails among the participants, contradicting the common perception that student workers, due to their age or length of experience, generally do not access this type of contract. Furthermore, it was found that, despite having gone through a global pandemic, only two of the ten participants use teleworking, challenging the widespread notion that remote work has become widespread in all areas, sectors and circumstances. This study offers new perspectives on the working conditions of young student-workers and emphasizes the need for policies and programs that improve their working conditions and facilitate a smoother transition from education to the workplace.