Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project
Gattei, Carolina A.
Shalom, Diego E.
et al.
This article presents the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) project that offers
data on English reading and listening comprehension from 7,338 university-level advanced
learners and native speakers of English representing 19 countries. The database
also includes estimates of reading rate and seven component skills of English, including
vocabulary, spelling, and grammar, as well as rich demographic and language background
data. We first demonstrate high reliability for ENRO tests and their convergent
validity with existing meta-analyses.We then provide a bird’s-eye view of first (L1) and
second (L2) language comparisons and examine the relative role of various predictors of reading and listening comprehension and reading speed. Across analyses, we found
substantially more overlap than differences between L1 and L2 speakers, suggesting
that English reading proficiency is best considered across a continuum of skill, ability,
and experiences spanning L1 and L2 speakers alike. We end by providing pointers for
how researchers can mine ENRO data for future studies.