dc.description.abstract | Planos copia de: Plot plan aerial view. Surface water and subsoil drainage
North south section
Swimming pools plan view at circulation level
Swimming pools. Sections R.C. Butress 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
Outdoor amphitheater. Ground level elevation and section
Plan 1st. level west part
Gymnasium. Sections. Arrangement for air conditionning system
Plot plan aerial view. Heating and air conditioning supply piping to air conditioning systems
Swimming pools R.C. Plan view of bleachers
Main cable T= telephone system. F= fire alarm system
Plain view of 3rd level east part. Main stadium. Sanitary fixtures
Main cable electro-acoustical. Equipment radio TV
Swimming pools. Plan view of cloak-rooms at level +_ 0.00
Main stadium. Current supply for luminous annunciators
Tennis level No1. Ventilating and air conditionning arrangements for individual systems
Swimming pools sections.
Nota: En viñeta “G.M. Presenté consulting engineer 66 avenue kleber, Paris. M. Le Corbusier. Architect”. En algunas “Le Corbusier. Service d`execution. 06, Avenue Kléber, Paris 18. Tel KLE 60-86”.
Plano original de: Corte (coloreado).
Nota: En un extremo de la lámina, manuscrito “Dessine par Jullian le 26 juillet 60. Modifications Le Corbusier le 24 juillet 60”. En otro extremo de la lámina, manuscrito “Non approvve par Le Corbusier. Pour information. Jullian le 30 juillet 60”. Timbre “SBP. Atelier Le Corbusier. 35, rue de Sèvres. Paris 6e-Lit. 99-62”.
Sobre el dibujo algunas modificaciones, presumiblemente escritas por Le Corbusier. | |