Motivational Factors in the Research Competencies of Nursing Students
Midelayde Vitor Tolentino, Carmen
Marianella Zavaleta Oliver, Jenny
Florencio Bryson Malca, Walter
Córdova García, Ulises
This research aimed to determine the relationship between motivational factors and investigative skills in nursing interns from a university degree program. It was a study of the hypothetical-deductive method, with a quantitative approach, of a basic type, of a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design; there was a universe population of 236 nursing interns from a private university. The survey technique was applied for both variables, in addition there were 2 Likert-type questionnaires that were validated by 5 expert judges and with an Aiken V of a value of 1 being valid, and with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.928 for motivational factors and 0.988 for investigative skills. Therefore, they are reliable. The results indicated that the majority presented a high level of motivational factors with 59.2% (71) and with a high level of investigative skills with 87.5% (105); with a correlation of variables by Spearman’s Rho of Rho value = .944 and P = 0.003 between the variable’s motivational factors and investigative skills. It was concluded that there is a high significant positive correlation.