Academic Directors Facing Internet Addictions, Learning and Health Promotion
De Jesus Garcia Varela, Guillermo
Llópiz Guerra, Karel
Requeiro Almeida, Reinaldo
Saavedra-Lopez, Miguel A.
Calle-Ramirez, Xiomara M.
Hernandez, Ronald M.
Morante Becerra, Lydia
The result that is presented is expressed from a bibliographic review of works published during the last two years 2020-2022 and, through which it was possible to verify the relationships that are established between the work of the Academic Directors, before the latent challenge and visible that is the crossroads of Internet addictions, by university students, increased in the stage already overcome of social isolation imposed by Covid 19 but, with emphasis on the achievement of learning at this high educational level, its risks and consequent decreases in the attacks that occur as a result of procrastination. All associated with the addictive phenomenon, in a projection of health promotion that the current, humanistic, modern and developing university should not give up in any way, being precisely in this direction an unavoidable pillar of social development, which lies precisely in the high professional qualification. of the new generations committed to a prosperous and sustainable social change.