Use of mobile applications in citizen security
2023-01-25Registro en:
Chumbe Chocce, Juan
Andrade-Arenas, Laberiano
Hernández Celis, Domingo
Cabanillas-Carbonell, Michael
"An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able
to in the following article the use of the mobile application is recommended
as a tool that serves public safety because currently crimes of extortion and
fraud are committed by making false calls to people's mobile devices.
Therefore, the objective of this research is to help families with their welfare
and safety and motivate the use of mobile applications. In the present work
the situation, task, action, dan result (STAR) methodology was applied to
elaborate the present work, this technique will allow improving the
difficulties of the people. This methodology is very important because it is
used to evaluate the circumstances in which people find themselves, a
sequence must be followed to achieve the proposed objectives. The result
obtained is an average of 84.5% on the design of the mobile prototype; being
approved by the experts. The beneficiaries of the research are citizens
through the mobile application.