Cultivo Ilegal de la Hoja de Coca y Capacidad de Respuesta del Comando Especial de los Valles de los Rios Apurimac, Ene y Mantaro, Año 2015
Vargas Sarmiento, Omar Orlando
Hurtado Llanos, Youri Paul
The present work, it focuses having in consideration that the current
international conjuncture does that the production and the consumption of drugs
are topics of great relevancy. The violence in Latin America has increased
enormously because of the drugs, process reflected in the level of violence that
is suffering Mexico and the countries of Central America. Opposite to this
serious problem, which begins with the illegal culture of the leaf of coca, the aim
of the present study is to support the management of the Peruvian government
in order that by means of the employment of his Armed Forces, particularly the
Army and the State police of Peru, develops multiple efforts to strengthen the
fight against this illegal culture and for it approach his major effort in the Special
Command of the Valleys of the Rivers Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro (CE VRAEM)
variables of the present study contemplate the illegal culture of the leaf of
coca and the capacity of response of the CE VRAEM. The importance of the
present investigation is to propose hypothesis of solution across the capacity of
response of the CE VRAEM, relating the dimensions of production and
eradication of the illegal culture of the leaf of coca, with the dimensions of
operations and military actions.
The used method has had a quantitative approach, since it was based on a
hypothetical deductive and logical scheme, applied and substantive, not
experimental investigation, that is to say, has not manipulated any variable. It
was an investigation ex-post fact, because it was based on facts and actions
that already happened. The technologies selected and applied in this study
were: the observation, during situations experienced by the units of analysis,
reading and analysis; and the application of a survey (questionnaire). The
indicators related to the dimensions production and eradication, show clearly a
very narrow relation with other dimensions, operations and military actions Tesis