Six Steps to Abolishing Primary School Fees : Operational Guide
School Fee Abolition Initiative
This Operational Guide is one of the main outputs of the School Fee Abolition Initiative (SFAI). SFAI is designed to significantly advance eff orts to ensure access to quality basic education by supporting policies that remove the education cost barriers to parents and households. Launched by UNICEF and the World Bank in 2005, the Initiative has grown into a broad partnership that involves other key development partners and constituencies as well as research and academic institutions. The main objectives of this Operational Guide are to generate knowledge, guide analytical and technical work, and facilitate policy dialogue and decision making. The document aims to serve policy makers, planning officers, and development partners. The way it is used will vary, depending on country contexts and choices. It can assist governments just embarking on school fee abolition in the planning process, and it can help those already under way review or refine policies and ongoing implementation processes.