Control estadístico de la calidad del tomate en conserva respecto a su acidez, grados brix y ph en la empresa agroindustrial danper trujillo s.a.c, noviembre 2013
Arce Culque, Victor Remigio
In the present investigation the packaging process of canned tomato respect to its acidity, Brix and pH in the Agroindustrial SAC Danper Trujillo, in order to know if the quality was studied process is under statistical quality control, letters using multivariate control, which allows the monitoring of the operations in the production process and thus make modifications necessary to comply with the objectives and goals of the company. . Systematic sampling was used to obtain the data from the 20 samples of canned tomato determining the marginal and multivariate normality and correlation of variables (acidity, Brix and pH), which allowed for multivariate statistical control of quality, concluding that the packaging process of canned tomatoes is under control.