Esquemas de tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (targa) de uso más frecuente en el servicio de infectología-12 c del hospital nacional edgardo rebagliati martins en el periodo agosto 2010- enero 2011”
Rivera Gamboa, Roberto Carlos
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacological status of antiretroviral treatment regimens frequently used in the Service of Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases "12C" National Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins in the period August 2010 - January 2011. The study is designed as a research simple descriptive cross-sectional and retrospective. In determining the trend of consumption of 9 ARTVs expressed in Defined Daily Doses (DDD) per 100 bed-days was observed in 8 of 9 antiretroviral show a linear trend with no significant variation in the consumption of each month ARTV. Raltegravir is the one that generates more reserve ($. 37.68) followed by zidovudine ($. 22.06). 39 combinations were found under the HAART regimen, of which 4 belong to schemes of first choice, 26 to second option schemes and 13 schemes scheme. The first option scheme was based on 2 NRTIs and 1 NNRTI was efavirenz combination of AZT 3TC most frequently (462 patients treated). The second option schemes mainly include the 3 IP (ATV, LPV / r and SQV) and special (combination of 4 ARTV) include I. Int raltegravir. We determined the cost generated by the combinations found in each scheme noting that the first option scheme AZT 3TC EFV with a cost per DDD / g. $ day. 22.53 generates the highest average spending per day is $. 10408.59 because it is used in 462 patients. The combination of lower cost per DDD / g. days was used d4T 3TC EFV at a cost of $. 0.57, to turn the combination of increased cost was ABC EFV LPV / r RAL whose expense DDD / g. day was $. 40.20.