Factores determinantes de la ineficacia del voto preferencial y del debilitamiento del sistema de partidos políticos en el perú
Pichén Centurión, Richard Willian
Rubio Calle, Jorge Samuel
This research was conducted to identify the determinants of the inefficiency of preferential voting and weakening the political party system in Peru and validate the hypothesis that these factors are high levels of ignorance of basic concepts, lack of minimum requirements, deficiencies in the exercise of preferential voting and the organization and operation of political parties, empiricisms policy of regulations governing the electoral and political party system in our country. The research was non experimental descriptive simple no correlational cross-section. The investigation begins with the study of theories of regimes, the democratic system, the electoral system and its mechanisms such as preferential voting, the political party system using the analytical method; the deductive method was used to work in the arguments concerning the preferential vote and the political party system theoretical framework as it departed from the general to the particular to achieve concrete criteria and statements. For the study of the rules, constitution, electoral laws and regulations exegetical method was applied and the historical method to the study of the representative, electoral and political parties in Peru's political future systems used. Finally, to arrive at the conclusions the synthetic method was used. We worked with a sample population of 25 people consisting of political leaders, election officials, congressmen and lawyers. For data collection the survey technique and the interview was applied and as tools a questionnaire and an interview guide that considered four factors: empiricisms applications (unknowns basics) deficiencies minimal requirements, developmental disabilities and regulatory activities empiricisms (not update or not incorporating modern concepts or assumptions of the current reality in current regulations) the questionnaire and the interview guide were validated by an expert. The results are presented in tables and graphs which indicate that 1) the lack of some theoretical approaches are determinants of the inefficiency of preferential voting and political party system since the hypothesis is tested on this part of the problem 73.6%; 2) on the shortcomings of minimum requirements in 81.6%; 3) deficiencies in the development of activities in the exercise of preferential voting and the political party system is tested at 74.4% and 4) and on regulatory empiricisms by 65.5%.