“diseño de un sistema de gestión de inventarios y almacenes para incrementar la eficiencia en la empresa indra perú s.a – proyecto sedalib”
Mas Pajares, Carlos Antonio
Zavaleta Vasquez, Wilson Josue
The following investigation was made by the Indra Peru S.A Company - SEDALIB Proyect, that of which doesn't count with a planning system for the management of it's stock that contains miscellaneous supplies or the usage and control of inventories which presents a good opportunity to improve this aspect, the lack of management and control of the inventories makes evident the loss of an optimum distribution of stock, the lack of storage media, the absence of cataloging and classification of the materials, the ignorance of the inventory levels, with purchases that are realized without following a program; leading to, no just the increase of logistic costs, but could also provoke delays or interruptions in the production due to the lack of any material. This project was developed with the goal to design a new system of inventory management and storage that may lead to a better order, control and planning. For this, the report is divided into three parts: Firstly, a diagnosis of the current situation of the subsystems of inventory, purchasing and warehouse identifying the main problems presented is done. Secondly, the proposed improvements for each subsystem, which together make the system inventory management and storage organization under study are elaborated. Based on the techniques and models that are presented in the theoretical framework can provide solutions to the problems identified. Thirdly, the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the proposals made to ensure and demonstrate the improved efficiency of resources, materials and the use of spaces that will come from implementing the proposed system is performed. In conclusion it can be confirmed that implementing a system of Inventory Management and Warehouse efficiency in the use of these resources will increase, generating savings and enabling a more orderly and planned work with what you can meet the challenges of everyday life.