Planeación a largo plazo de una empresa de transporte terrestre de pasajeros, ittsabus: 2015-2019
Robles Gutiérrez, Oswaldo
The purpose of this research was to develop and explain how a company passenger land transport ITTSABUS , 2015-2019 should run ; freight service , parcels and money transfer , using how technical the Long Range Planning . But what is the Long-Term Planning and why it matters? Why: Keeps the business study both future and present, reinforces the principles acquired in the mission, vision and strategy, encourages planning and interdisciplinary communication, assigns priorities in the allocation of resources, is the bridge with the process tactical planning. Long-Term Planning takes the position, provides the tools to establish an approach positions the company needs to achieve such as futures markets, technology, human development, and financial forecasts. The company that was studied has three main activities: a) Carries passengers, b) Provides service freight and parcels and c) offers money transfer services. It currently operates the following routes: a) Party from the city of Lima, to the north, reaching the cities of Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura and, from these cities, the city of Lima. b) From the city of Chimbote to the cities of Piura, Paita and vice versa, and c) From the city of Trujillo to the cities of Piura, Sullana , Paita , Talara and vice versa. The basic aim of research was to develop the Long-Term Planning a carrier of passengers, parcels and money transfers, applying the strategic planning model proposed by George L. Morrisey (Morrissey, 1996). The problem raised was how to develop and implement a long-term plan to improve the position and profitability in the company ITTSABUS land passenger transport, cargo transfer, parcels and money transfers: 2015-2019? And the hypothesis was formulated: the implementation of the Long Range Planning will improve the position and profitability of the Company passenger transport ITTSABUS, 2015 -2019; moving freight, parcels and money transfers. The study population was 623 workers of the company land passenger transport ITTSABUS and distributed sample were 100 employees, 13 management and administrative employees, 32 counters and 55 staff and staff terramozas drivers, maintenance and services. The method used was explanatory. Long-Term Planning of future activities of the company over the next 5 years allowed: Long-Term Planning Company of transport of passengers, parcels and money transfer service; develop a Long-term Plan Production, develop a Long-term Plan for Human Resources, developing a Long Term Plan Cash Flow, develop a Long-term Plan Marketing, develop a Long-term Plan Customer Service .